Midlands u16s Training

   12 May 2015

I am pleased to confirm that a Midlands squad of 32 players has been finalised for summer training

The focus of this programme is on player development and, as such, individual skill development, functional strength/conditioning and game understanding are the priorities.

Training for this squad will take place weekly on Thursday mornings in Aspire, Clara starting Thursday, July 9th. In addition to the rugby and strength/conditioning elements each week there will be an education module where players will receive information on nutrition, injury management, mental health, etc along with video analysis.

Sessions will run from 10am to 12.30pm and will start promptly so players should arrive 10-15 minutes early in order to sign-in, weigh-in, etc. Players will require training gear for the pitch and the gym, a waterbottle and a gumshield. It is essential that players training replace lost calories within 1 hour of finishing training so they must bring a snack/lunch.

Coaches will check that players have appropriate food with them and players who fail to bring food and a waterbottle may be prevented from training.

Suitable snacks include: · Chicken, Ham or Tuna sandwiches · Fruit yogurt or muller rice · Handful of dried fruit or a banana · Flavoured milk

Naturally, players may miss a session or two due to holiday plans. I just ask that they let me know in advance if they will be unavailable for any session. If a player will miss more sessions due to extended holiday plans, Gaeltacht, etc they must let me know immediately.

Finally, should you, the players or their parents have any queries please don’t hesitate to contact me. Regards Derek Maybury

Newstead Building A,



Dublin 4

e-Mail: Derek.Maybury@leinsterrugby.ie

Web Site: www.leinsterrugby.ie